The fascination of snails

The Snail Whisperers gave a presentation on Australian land snails to folk at the Paddington Community Care Centre. Featuring a  powerpoint presentation, trays of land shells and terraria of live snails, the event showcased Australia’s native land snail fauna. The people present were enamoured by the diversity of the fauna and the live snails that performed quite admirably considering their previous outing was the World Science Festival Gladstone and ten school presentations.

An orange form of red-triangle slug has been spotted at New England NP

Another form for of the red triangle slug Triboniophorus graeffei has been sighted at the New England National Park.This slug was spotted along the Lyrebird Walk in the last couple of weeks. The orange body and solid red triangle are different from the red form at Mt Kaputar and the yellow form at Cunningham’s Gap.

Thank you to Adam Fawcett, Senior Project Officer for the Northern Inland Branch of NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service for the images.

Although only one species is recognised for eastern Australia, it is probable that revisionary studies will reveal additional species.