What do snails eat?


Mt Glorious Richmondiana 2. jpg

Thersites richmondiana having a midnight feast on fungi at Mt Glorious, SEQ. Photo: Ben Ravell

Our Australian native snails are NOT vegetarian i.e. they will not eat your garden plants. They eat fungi, micro-algae on the leaves of plants and biofilm on most surfaces.

Giant Panda live shot

Our largest land snail, the Giant Panda Snail (Hedleyella falconeri), happily searching for food in the rainforest. It won’t eat your garden.


Below: Sphaerospira fraseri dining on fungi at Mt Glorious. Photo: Ben Revell with Kris Oettinger.

P11dSome snails are carnivorous even following the slime trails of other snails in order to have a feast. Here, an Asian Tramp Snail (Bradybaena similaris) is dinner for a Glossy Turban Carnivorous Snail (Terrycarlessia turbinata).


Eating tracks from the red form of the Red-triangle Slug (TriboP1020822niophorus graeffei) found at Mt Kaputar, NSW. This large red native slug is shown here. It like the other forms of Triboniophorus graeffei including the red triangle slug, eat the biofilm off the tree trunks.
